Catholic Engaged Encounter is a 100% non-profit organization. We receive no money from the Catholic Church, and depend solely on the generosity of donors such as you. Couples before you have helped us accomplish our goals. We greatly appreciate your willingness to help today. Orange County Catholic Engaged Encounter prepares over 600 couples a year for marriage. A lot of time, talent and treasure goes into making each and every Engaged Encounter weekend get off the ground successfully. We ask that you consider making a donation to help the Orange County Catholic Engaged Encounter organization continue to offer engaged couples quality marriage preparation. Your generous gift to Orange County Catholic Engaged Encounter will be used to help with the following:
- Provide financial assistance to low-income couples attending an Engaged Encounter weekend
- Assist other Engaged Encounter communities in Southern California with serving the engaged
- Cover the travel expenses for presenting teams and priests to present Engaged Encounter weekends in Orange County when needed
- Provide enrichment and training activities for the Orange County Engaged Encounter community. This helps us provide you with the best weekend possible.
If you would like to donate using a credit card, we accept payments via PayPal.
You don’t need a PayPal account to do this!
Click below to donate.
If you would like to donate using Venmo, we happily accept those as well!
Our Vemno handle is @Engaged-Encounter-Orange

Thank you for your gift!
Please keep the international Engaged Encounter organization and the couples we serve in your prayers.
God Bless You!