Volunteer with our Community!
If you have a strong call to serve our community, you and your spouse may be interested in serving as a presenting team couple. Serving as a presenting team involves writing talks on topics using your personal marital experience. To serve as a team couple, you and your spouse must be a couple in good standing with the Catholic Church.
We are also looking for couples willing to help greet and guide the engaged couples to their rooms as they arrive at the retreat center. This commitment involves an hour or two of your time, but serves as a warm welcome to the engaged couples we serve.
Our community is always looking for people of faith to donate their time to our ministry. We often reach out to ask for prayers for the engaged couples that attend our weekend. The couple will receive a personal note card with the name(s) of those praying for them. This ministry can be fulfilled from the comfort of your own home!
Our ministry is one where we feel we are an extended family, not only with other couples in our San Diego Engaged Encounter community, but in our broader national Engaged Encounter Community. We feel incredibly blessed to be able to serve our savior in this way as we work to make marriage in our world stonger and more Christ centered.